This great woman, Sarah Bird, started a great company that is helping to bring clean water to Pakistan. If you'd like to learn more about her company or the water situation in Pakistan, namely Karachi, check out this World Vision Radio Report:
World Vision Report: Saafwater Clean, drinkable water is something most of us take for granted. But millions of people -- 1 in 6, to be precise –- don't have access to clean water. Sarah Bird decided to do something about that. She founded a company in Pakistan called Saafwater that sells chlorine tablets directly to the public so people can purify their water themselves. What would inspire a young British woman to move to Pakistan and start a water purification company? Host Peggy Wehmeyer invited Sarah onto the show to tell her story.
Meet Zenga: the latest addition to the household. It's probably evident that Mr. Teegray likes him. : )